Sustainability: Our Business

Our Business

We strive to identify, fund and implement innovative sustainable solutions, so we have installed:

  • Electric vehicle charging points 

  • 160 Smart metres for effective energy monitoring

  • Dimmable LED lighting and passive infrared sensors (PIRs) to reduce electricity usage

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We have also:

  • Formed a venue ‘Sustainable Steering Group’ to ensure sustainability is at the heart of  everything we do – with representatives from across the business. 

  • Centralised our business processes and systems, using electronic automation where possible to reduce the amount of paper used

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Civic Quarter Heat Network

Manchester Central is the host site for the Civic Quarter Heat Network (CQHN), which generates low-carbon heat and power for the city, helping Manchester to reach its ambition to be carbon-neutral by 2038.

The network will generate a highly efficient, environmentally friendly heat and power solution, serving six of the city’s most iconic buildings.

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Manchester Central seeks to engage and commit to local, national and worldwide sustainable initiatives that drive continuous improvements to our people, planet and profit.

Some of the initiatives and pledges we are part of:

  ▪️  Zero Carbon Manchester
  ▪️  Net Zero Carbon Events 
  ▪️  AEV
  ▪️  Plastic Free GM



AEV - logo

Zero Carbon Manchester - Logo




Plastic Free GM - logo
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